Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Art Can Make You Feel Better

 Art Can Help You


If you are sad...art can make you feel happy


If you are worried...art can make you feel more calm

If you are mad... art can make you feel relieved

If you are scared...art can make you feel comforted

If you are confused...art can give your mind a rest

If you are happy...art can make you happier 

When you complete a work of art it is an accomplishment to be proud of. 

Artists express their feelings by painting, sculpting, drawing, collage, photography and more!

What feeling would you like to explore in art?

What studio would help you to express those feelings? 

There have been famous artists in the world who have expressed strong feelings in their work:

Joan Mitchel is an American artist who shows strong emotions in her work. 

What can you say about how she uses lines? 


Do you feel strong emotions when you look at this artwork? 

This artwork is her expression of a city. Think about how a city looks on a map or from an airplane...hum.

What do you think of this one? Why do you think she used two canvases to paint on but shows this as one piece of work?

The big idea is this...

When you feel sad, frustrated, embarrassed, scared, worried, confused or sorry about something...

 draw a picture, do a painting, sing a song or do a dance....all the arts can make your day be better.  I believe it and I hope you do too!


We should also remember our artist friend Shel Silverstein...



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